Tiny Ghost is a distinctive Asiatic pot lily, characterized by its vibrant, bright red hue speckled with dark spots. This particular variety falls on the shorter end of the lily family, typically reaching a height of about 35cm. It's perfectly suited for container gardening, making it an ideal choice for adding a pop of colour to your patio. The Tiny Ghost's compact size and striking appearance ensure it stands out, while still maintaining an elegant, uncluttered aesthetic.
Tiny Ghost is a distinctive Asiatic pot lily, characterized by its vibrant, bright red hue speckled with dark spots. This particular variety falls on the shorter end of the lily family, typically reaching a height of about 35cm. It's perfectly suited for container gardening, making it an ideal choice for adding a pop of colour to your patio. The Tiny Ghost's compact size and striking appearance ensure it stands out, while still maintaining an elegant, uncluttered aesthetic.
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Tiny Ghost is a distinctive Asiatic pot lily, characterized by its vibrant, bright red hue speckled with dark spots. This particular variety falls on the shorter end of the lily family, typically reaching a height of about 35cm. It's perfectly suited for container gardening, making it an ideal choice for adding a pop of colour to your patio. The Tiny Ghost's compact size and striking appearance ensure it stands out, while still maintaining an elegant, uncluttered aesthetic.