Which lily will produce the most flower heads?

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I am trying to choose a white oriental lily that would have the most blooms. I wonder if you could recommend the right variety?

The Tree lilies (Oriental Trumpet lilies) will produce the height with the maximum amount of buds per stem. I would recommend Villa Blanca or Zambesi. These will produce large flower heads with a gorgeous fragrance.

Villa Blanca (SKU17774)
Zambesi (SKU17616)
Loraine Hart

Purchasing Martagon lily bulbs

This question was asked by
jean baker

I would like to purchase some Martagon bulbs. Can you tell me when I can do this please.

Good afternoon,

Our Martagon lilies are now available to order for delivery in October.
Pink Morning Martagon Lily (harts1159)
Orange Marmalade Martagon Lily (SKU17698)
Hansonii Martagon Lily (SKU17651)
Guinea Gold Martagon Lily (SKU17725)
Gaybird Martagon Lily (SKU176511)
Fairy Morning Martagon Lily (SKU1765111)
Claude Shride Martagon Lily (SKU17696)
Chameleon Martagon Lily (SKU17724)
Loraine Hart

Tall lily in pots

This question was asked by

Our lilies are about eye level and covered in little buds. How do we get them to open?

These will flower by themselves. No need to do anything with them.

Loraine Hart