Spider lily

This question was asked by

I am looking for pink spider lily bulbs, do you have any ?
Thank you
Jan Coulson

Yes we do – they will be dispatched in the Spring for Summer flowering. You can find our nerines here:


The Hart Family

I.D. of a LILY

This question was asked by

Do you stock this lily
if i had your email address i could send a picture
thanks j smith

Please send it to enquiries@hartsnursery.co.uk and I will be happy to try and help.

The Hart Family

Fritillaria meleagris

This question was asked by
Paul Barnes

Have just bought 160 of these, giving them to friends. Please email planting instructions

Thank you for your order. Please find below, planting instructions for Fritillaria Meleagris:
Fritillaria Meleagris should be planted in the Autumn for Spring flowering.
Find a location with full sun or partial shade with well-drained, sandy soil, if necessary add sand, grit or gravel to be improve the condition of the area for planting.
Arrange the bulbs in clusters.
If planting in the garden, plant the bulbs about 1-2″ apart.
Ideal for rockeries.
If planting in pots, use a good-quality, multi-purpose compost, preferably adding sand to the planting hole to prevent the bulbs from rotting.
Plant the bulbs 2-3″ of soil above them.
It is best to plant the Meleagris bulb on its side – this prevents water collecting at the top of the bulb and causing it to rot.
If planting in borders in the garden, the soil must be well drained and, preferably, sandy.
If planting in pots, make sure the Fritillaria Assyriaca/Uva Vulpis are kept moist but do not get waterlogged.
If planting in pots, it may be an idea to tilt the pots on their side during winter to prevent waterlog.
When the Fritillaria Meleagris has finished flowering, cut any seed heads back and allow the foliage to die back naturally. Once all the foliage and stem has turned brown and hollow, you can remove them and discard.
Fritillaria Meleagris bulbs will multiply during the first or second year of planting.
Ideally, the best time to lift and check your bulbs for dividing is during the months of August and September. Once, you have divided your bulbs, they will all need replanting.
Prevent the Scarlet Lily beetle from ruining your Fritillarias by using our Lily Beetle Prevention spray.

Fritillaria Meleagris (Pack of 20 Bulbs) (harts1122)

Lily Beetle Prevention (SKU17972)

The Hart Family

Lily flowering

This question was asked by
A. Minshull

I got some lilies from you at tatton this year. Usually I can get to flower quickly before autumn
This time lilies are in bud but no signs of opening
What’s my best plan of action ?
They have now been moved into unheated greenhouse for winter

Hi there,
They may have got too wet if they are struggling to open. Once everything has died back, remove the foliage and then hopefully they will be ok for next year’s flowering cycle. You could also give the lilies a tomato feed once you see signs of growth. Make up your tomato feed with half the recommended dilution (written on the instructions on the bottle) and feed once every 3 weeks.

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
D. Norman Meagher

Do lily beetles fly to their host plant.
Do you grow your lilies in a protected environment such as under glass? Or in the field.
I plant to grow them in big pots.
Is there a barrier method to prevent beetles from crawling up the pot?
They would be on a concrete surface.
Do you use chemicals that are unavailable to the general public?
If so what are they?
Construct for me if you will a strategic plan for their eradication.
thank you.

Hi there,
Yes we grow our lilies under glass and have found this keeps the lily beetles at bay. However, we do also use our Lily Beetle Prevention Spray to prevent them from destroying the lilies’ foliage.

Lily Beetle Prevention (SKU17972)

The Hart Family

Tree Lilies

This question was asked by
George Stewart

Should I lift the bulbs before winter or leave them in the ground.
Many thanks

Leave them where they are. As long as they don’t get waterlogged, lily bulbs are happy to have a cold dormant phase and can stand very cold temperatures.

The Hart Family