Calla Lilies (although not considered true lilies) are a very popular flower especially as cut flower for wedding displays and bouquets. Also known as Zantedeschia or Arum Lilies. This stunning flower is available in a multitude of colours and is ideal for use in beds and borders. You can also grow calla lilies in containers either outdoors or in a sunny window position indoors. Calla lilies will bear narrow, lance or funnel shaped flowers and are particularly effective when grown in groups within a border, or planted in pots and spread out on the patio.
Planting calla lilies in the garden
Plant in the spring months for flowers in June/July. Calla lilies want bright but indirect sunlight, so find a suitable position in your garden with free draining soil. Depending on how you want your display to look, you can space your rhizomes 30cm (12″) apart or plant in groupings of 3 rhizomes slightly closer together.
Harts’ Hint
” Add a good multipurpose compost to garden soil to improve the texture. “
Planting Callas in pots
Calla lilies are ideal for planting in containers for houseplants or patios, or for seasonal outdoor bedding displays. Plant just under the surface of the soil with the eyes of the rhizome facing upwards.
- If planting in pots, use a loam-based compost like John Innes No. 2 but a good multi-purpose compost is also fine.
- Plant one rhizome to an 8″ pot or 3 to a 16″ pot.
Caring for your calla lilies
- In most areas, the foliage will be hit by frost and slightly blackened. This should be cut away.
- Lift Rhizomes before the first frosts and store them over winter before replanting them next Spring (after the risk of frost has passed).
- Store Rhizomes in trays of compost in a cool, dark, frost-free location, e.g a garage, shed, warm greenhouse or conservatory.
- Do not over water.