
This question was asked by
S. Wilson

I lost the instructions you gave us on planting eremurus,
Please would you email them to me.
Thank you.

Choose a Sunny position to plant your Eremurus Bulbs. Choose your position carefully as Eremurus resents being disturbed. They prefer a Sunny position as they will develop stronger stems but they will grow in light shade also.
Eremurus Bulbs like a well-drained, sandy soil. Preferably an ordinary Acidic or Neutral soil type.
Gently tuck your Eremurus roots into a hole that is 5 to 6″ deep and 10-12″ across, fanning them out and pointing them slightly downwards.
Space plants about a foot apart. Plant carefully as the roots can break if not handled gently.
After planting, water well, gently soaking the soil and settling it around the roots. Root growth will begin in the Autumn. Top growth and flower stems will form in the Spring.

The Hart Family