Selection of bulbs

This question was asked by
D. Sebastian

I have bought your bulbs from you before. I need some sdvice in selecting lily bulbs. I grow most of my lilies in pots. That is because the soil in my garden is slightly alkaline and is not suitable for all varieties of lilies. I learnt to my cost that I should not allow the pots to get water-logged. I am more careful now. The main point I want to make is I can use ericaceous compost if I had to. Your bulbs seem to thrive in pots.
I looking for very fragrant lilies which are around 1.2 m tall. I would prefer to grow them in pots which are dug into the ground. Do you have any variety (ies) you would particulaly recommend?
Thank you.

Good afternoon,

Our tree-like lilies are happy in any well-drained soil but they do tend to do well in an ericaceous soil if possible. The name speaks for itself… as they are tree-like lilies they will reach a good height of 1-1.5m tall. As a general rule of thumb, the whiter the lilies, the stronger the scent. Have you looked at Lilium Mezzana or Lilium Proposal? These are gorgeous varieties. Alternatively, you could look at Lilium Olympic Torch. Another stunning variety with a lovely fragrance.

Mezzana (SKU17772)

Proposal (SKU176161)

Olympic Torch (harts1132)

The Hart Family