Planting Gloriosa

This question was asked by
G. Hardman

Thank you for my order delivery – Order id: #3014477.
I was trying to find planting instructions for my Gloriosa Lilies on your website, but it says ‘this item is unavailable’ so there is no planting advice. Can you help me please? Do the tubers lye horizontally, diagonally or vertically, and if not horizontally what depth should the growing tip be?
Thanks in advance.

Sorry about that – we have taken off everything that is out of stock now.

Gloriosa Lilies like a well-drained soil.
We advise starting off your gloriosa rhizomes in a pot indoors before transferring them outside during the summer months.
Plant in pots with suitable drainage holes.
While gloriosa lilies will grow well in most moderately fertile soil, they will not survive in soggy soil or standing water.
When planting in pots, plant 3 Rhizomes to a 14-16 inch pot.
Use a multi-purpose compost or John Innes No. 3 for your Gloriosa.
Site your Gloriosa Lilies where they will receive full sun to light shade.
The root and shoot come from the same end and need to be planted downwards on a 45 degree angle in a triangle formation. They’ll figure out which way is up.
Plant the Rhizome 3-4″ deep and 6-8″ apart. The tip of the Rhizome can point out the top of the soil by an inch.
Take care NOT to touch the growing points on the bulbs; bumping and abraiding this area tends to reduce sprouting
It’s often helpful to add a support for the vines to clamber up. Preferably a one stake per bulb.
After planting, water your Gloriosa lilies generously, soaking the soil to settle it around the bulbs.
Roots and sprouts will form in a few weeks and these plants flower at a young age. (If the soil in your area is still quite cool wait until it warms before planting.)

The Hart Family