How to care for Calla lilies

This question was asked by
M. Ainley

I bought some Calla lilies this year from you which are flowering beautifully. What I would like to know is:
Do I cut off the flowers off when they start dying down?
What do I about cutting the foliage and when should I lift the plant to put it in a pot to overwinter in my shed?
Thank you.

Hi Marilyn

Once the flowers have died, you can cut the flower heads off and leave the foliage to die back naturally. Usually by mid to late autumn when everything has turned yellow/brown you can remove the dead foliage and lift the rhizomes.

You can find all our Calla Lily Care Instructions at the bottom of page:

Zantedeschia ‘Majestic Red’ (Pack of 3 Bulbs) (SKU17823)

The Hart Family