Lilium Candidum (Madonna Lily)

This question was asked by
Claire M

I received an email from you on 8th August informing me that the above bulbs were now available. I regret that I have been very busy and i have only just got round to ordering only to find they are now out of stock. , I think there is a lesson for me to learn there. Please can you get in touch with me when they become available again.
With best wishes,
Claire Mathieson

Hi there,
I’m not sure if we will be putting Lilium Candidum back in stock in. You can be notified by email if we get any more crops by you clicking on the button ‘tell me when this is back in stock’ on the product page here:
Lilium Candidum (Madonna Lily)

Madonna Lily

Lilium Candidum – Madonna Lily


Hope this helps.

The Hart Family