Planting calla lillies

This question was asked by
Marion T – 

I live outside of Eugene, Oregon. Can I leave my calla lillies in the ground year round?

I’m not sure of your climate but I would lift your bulbs to be safe.

Here are our tips for Calla Lily Aftercare:

How to care for Callas

    • In most areas, the foliage will be hit by frost and slightly blackened. This should be cut away.
    • Lift Rhizomes before the first frosts and store them over winter before replanting them next Spring (after the risk of frost has passed).
    • Store Rhizomes in trays of compost in a cool, dark, frost-free location, e.g a garage, shed, warm greenhouse or conservatory.
    • Do not over water.
How to plant Calla lilies

1. Plant your rhizomes as soon as they arrive.

2. Plant just under the surface of the soil with the eyes of the rhizome facing upwards.

3. Use a loam-based compost like John Innes No. 2 but a good multi-purpose compost is also fine.

4. Water freely throughout the summer months and feed with a fertiliser every two weeks.

5. Plant one rhizome to an 8″ pot. Cover your pots with decorative stones if desired.