Protecting Bulbs against Rodents

This question was asked by
Pat A – 

My tulip, lily and other bulbs (except daffodils) have only been put in the ground briefly – as something comes in the night and snaffles them after they have flowered! I have tried putting one inch chicken wire pegged down with extreme care round them to the very edge of the pot – and the little darlings got through (either reincarnated engineers or mice?). Before I place an order do you have any suggestions to help? I have tried neem oil everywhere and that sometimes helps…

Hi Pat

I think you have tried the 2 things I would suggest. Unfortunately, the rodents seem to smell the bulbs so I would suggest planting your bulbs really deep to minimise the chance of rodents smelling them and digging them up, and try to remove any evidence of having planted the bulbs as much as possible (such as removing debris, soil etc).

Chicken wire is usually a great way to protect your bulbs. have you tried making a cage of it around the bulbs?

You could try planting the bulbs with sharp gravel or grit, this can act as a deterrent to digging pests, as many of them don’t like digging through the sharp stones, and it can still make your garden look attractive.

The Hart Family