Our Lily Display

We were fortunate enough to have a professional team from Zumm Creative come over to the RHS Tatton Park Flower Show this year and capture some great footage of our lily display and outside Garden where we won a Gold Medal for our lilies and Best Plant Village Exhibit for our garden.
Well done to all – it looks great!
For more information regarding Zumm Creative,
please contact Calam Smail on 01270 897170.

FAQ – When and where is best to plant Alliums?

Allium bulbs are planted in the Autumn for flowering the following year. Alliums (also known as Ornamental Onions) are perennial so they will flower year after year and are incredibly long-lived and flower for ages. Alliums like to be planted in full sunlight and in a well-drained soil. Once you have found the perfect spot in your garden to grow your Alliums, you need to dig holes in the flower bed that are three times the circumference of the bulb. For example, if the bulb is two inches in size then it needs to be planted six inches deep. Plant the bulbs about 8-12inches apart. For impact, plant Allium bulbs in groups. Alliums work well in rockeries and crowded gardens as they don’t take up much space.

Allium Drumstick