Nerine bulbs

This question was asked by
Karen Shepherd

Are you still delivering nerine bulbs (June 2020) Thanks

Hi – yes we still have a few left in stock and we are still sending them out.

The Hart Family

Best Sellers

This question was asked by
Jean McGiwN

Will the bulbs flower this year if planted now please

Yes the lilies will be in flower from 8-12 weeks after planting.


The Hart Family

Lily \'My Wedding\'

This question was asked by
P. R Bhattacharjee

How many bulbs come per order.
Is there any live plant for wedding lily available to order


You can order as many bulbs as you would like. They are priced differently depending on how many you order. The more you order, the cheaper each bulb is. We only sell them as bulbs.

Lily ‘My Wedding’ (SKU17722)

The Hart Family

Fragrant lilies

This question was asked by
Geoff Leece

I love lillies but my current lillies do not have a fragrance. Can you please advise me on the most fragrant lillies that you sell. Many thanks.

Hi there,
Yes, the oriental lilies are the fragrant ones. Asiatic lilies are unscented. A general rule of thumb is the whiter the lily the more fragrant they are. So I’d be looking at any of these for the stronger scented lilies:

Lily ‘Casa Blanca’ (harts1091)

Roselily ‘Aisha’ (SKU176191)

Lily ‘Zambesi’ (SKU17616)

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Julie homer

Hello, could you tell me please if you will have anymore of the Homerus lillies ? Thank you for any help/advice much appreciated.

Hi there,
We may have some more next year but it depends on the crop. We still have some Mundana available for planting this year. They will be in flower in 8 to 12 weeks.

Lily ‘Mundana’ (harts10991)

The Hart Family

buying time

This question was asked by
Alan Dawe

Hello … I would like to buy your roselilies collection for flowering next year. Should I buy and plant in permanent space now or would I be better off waiting till next spring ?
I have had problems before planting lilies in the autumn in that particular bed.

If you buy them now, you will need to plant them now for flowering in 8 to 12 weeks. Alternatively you can buy them later in the year for delivery in February.

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Claire Robin

I have just ordered some eucomis bulbs. I am planning on planting them in large pots. Can you confirm what compost to use? My thought was a peat free compost mixed with grit.
Claire Robin

When planting Eucomis in pots, we recommend a loam-based compost like John Innes No.3 and added grit. So 2/3 compost to 1/3 grit.


The Hart Family

Calla lilly and gladioli bulbs

This question was asked by
Pooja Mehta

Hi there, I just planted gladioli and call lilly bulbs which I bought from you, in pots on Saturday just gone. They’re in very sunny spot and I water them twice a day. 3 Liliy bulbs are in 3 different pots and I have planted 16 gladioli bulbs in 2 big pots. Is it the right time to plant them or should I take them out and store it to plant later? Please advise me as i’ve just started learning and I don’t want to ruin the bulbs.

Hi Pooja

Yes it’s fine to plant them now and they will be in flower later in the summer.

The Hart Family