Care of bulbs beyond first year

This question was asked by
Jane S

I have purchased a number of lilies from you which are all in pots through the year-they are looking spectacular at the moment! Moving forwards, should I be lifting them, replacing the soil (in which case with what )or can I just leave them and feed them after flowering-
Again with what?
Many thanks
Your advice

Hi Jane

Your lilies can be left in the same pot over winter. Just give them a fresh amount of compost (a good multi-purpose compost mixed with John Innes No.3) on top and feed them with a diluted tomato feed when they start to show signs of growth, feed them every 2 weeks.

After 3 years, you can lift your bulbs and break off the baby bulbets and replant them all. Again add some fresh compost and added grit if necessary.

Hope this helps.


The Hart Family