Do I need to repot my lilies?

This question was asked by
R. Hargreaves

Do I need to repot my lilies? You said that you should re-pot your lilies every so often, I have at least 40 pots with 5 to a pot. Three lilies are looking a little tired, the rest have been in the same pot for 4 to 7 years, if i re-pot them do I need to put new compost in?

Yes – your lily bulbs will probably need dividing and replanting now. This is usually every 3 years. When they have all finished flowering and died back naturally, you can dig the bulbs up and split off any baby bulblets you find, you can then replant all the bulbs you have found. A freshen up of new compost would be beneficial and perhaps giving them a feed with a tomato feed will encourage those that are looking tired. That said, they may just be getting to the end and need replacing altogether. Hope that helps.

Loraine Hart