How to plant Roselilies in pots

This question was asked by
Amanda Squires

How do I plant roselilies? What compost do roselilies like? What is the best sort of pot to use & what size pot for planting Roselilies in and how deep do I plant roselily lily bulbs?

Roseliliy bulbs should be planted in a good-quality, multi-purpose compost, we recommend using John Innes No.3 for Roselilies as it is easier to manage with watering and feeding. Plant 3x Roselily bulbs in a 10-14″ ‘patio type’ pot. Plant your lily bulbs with 4-6inches of soil above them.

Roselily Bulb Collection (Pack of 10 Bulbs) (SKU17653)

Loraine Hart