Lilies not performing as well

This question was asked by
Michael – 

I have some that performed poorly this year producing mini-plants. Do I need to dispose of the bulbs or just remove the small growths? Thanks.

Once your lilies have finished flowering, cut the flower heads off leaving plenty of stem on. Allow the stem and foliage to die back naturally until it has turned yellow and hollow. (This is usually towards the Autumn time.) You can then remove the stem and foliage at this point. Leaving it all to die back naturally will then feed the bulbs, allowing them to flower again the following year.

Once they have all died back, you can lift the bulbs and break off the baby bulbs as they are sapping the energy from the main bulb. You can then replant all of them and when you see signs of growth in the spring, you can give them a diluted tomato feed to help them on their way.


Hope this helps.

The Hart Family