Purchasing Lily‘S

This question was asked by
Helena Harrison

Hello there,
I would like some lily bulbs.
Do you have of the very tall variety?
If not tall, then I also like particularly large blooms.
I also like long trumpets.
Can you recommend any varieties, there are so many to choose from.
I wouldn’t want yellow ones
Many thanks,
Helena Harrison

Hi there,

We have lots of lilies to choose from . The tallest are the Oriental Trumpets (also called tree lilies). They are all lovely. If you are after some colour (but not yellow) then I would suggest:

Lily ‘Robina’ (Pack of 5 huge Bulbs) (harts10291)

Lily ‘Amarossi’ (SKU17755)

Lily ‘Zambesi’ (SKU17616)

Or you could try for the Trumpet Lilies:
Lily ‘Cali’ (harts10641)

Lily ‘Vuvuzela’ (SKU17740)

The Hart Family