Tree Lilly

This question was asked by
M. Millward

I wish to buy some tree lilly’s but not sure which. I live in Blackpool and plant my lilly’s in containers to protect them from mice and frost.
I am looking mainly for scent but also colour but mainly scent to fill my small garden. Can you surggest some types please. I would like them to reach at least 6′ tall.

Hi Mark
All our tree lilies are fantastic. Usually you find the whiter the flower, the stronger the scent but Tree lilies are all highly scented . Have you seen our Tree lily collections which are a good offer at a slightly reduced price?

‘Tree like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1152)

Multicoloured ‘Tree-like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) Lily Bulb Collections (SKU17752)

The Hart Family