Hyacinth Gipsy Queen

This question was asked by
John L

Can you plant them in the borders or containers and just leave them without having to dig them up?

Hi there,

Not really, Hyacinths need protecting from the frosts.


Caring for Hyacinth outdoors in the garden
Blooms should be removed as soon as they shows signs of brown.
Leave the foliage to die back natural.
Bulbs can be lifted as soon as the foliage has died back and stored in a cool, dry place.

Caring for Hyacinths outdoors in containers
Wrap containers with bubble wrap to protect from frost.
Once the flowers have faded, retuned the container to a sheltered spot in the garden.
Bulbs can be lifted as soon as the foliage has died back and stored in a cool, dry place.

The Hart Family