Can I cut my lilies for indoor display?

This question was asked by
Karen –

Hi, I have Roselily Aisha and Roselily Angela and they are nice and tall with plenty of buds on them. I had them last year having purchased them at Chelsea and they were stunning.
I would like to know can I cut them for display indoors and still expect the bulb to do anything again next year?
Also one of the pots is losing brownish leaves, is it too much water?

Many thanks

Hi there,

Yes the browning could be due to the environment around it, i.e too much water, too hot etc.

Yes, you can cut your lilies for indoor display. However, I would advise leaving as much stem on the bulb as possible so it feeds the bulb for the following year. I would say leave at least 50cm of stem to die back naturally. It may not flower as well the following year though.

More information on lily care can be found here.


Roselily Anouska

The Hart Family