Information about Polianthes tuberosum

This question was asked by
Andrew B

Please can you advise me if these bulbs are easy to repeat flower in successive seasons or should they be regarded as annuals?
I had some several years ago but could get them to flower in the second year!
Thank you for your help.

Hi there,

Yes your Polianthes Tuberosa should come back each year like most bulbs. They just need a little care over winter.
Move your containers to a frost free location before the first frosts.
If your bulbs are planted in your borders, they need lifting before the first frosts and stored in a frost-free location.

Polianthes tuberosa

Further information can be found here:
Polianthes Tuberosa (SKU18324)

The Hart Family

Polianthes Tuberosa in pots

This question was asked by
Jackie M

Hello Harts. I bought 3 Polianthes Tuberosa to grow in pots. They are currently in 10cm sqare pots in a heated propagator. Can you please advise me what size pot they should ultimately be potted up into, either together or singly.
Many thanks,

HI there,

I would advise planting one polianthes tuberosa into a 10-12cm diameter pot or three tubers into a larger 15-18cm pot.

PolaiPolianthes Tuberosa (SKU18324)

Plant Polianthes Tuberosa tuber this way up ⬆️

The Hart Family