
This question was asked by
Christopher G

I ordered a Hedychium Garrdenerianum 4 days ago and it’s arrived already. Wow what a huge Rhizome I’m truly amazed thank you. I’m trying to develop a jungle theme in my garden here on the Isle of Wight and will certainly be ordering again. Well done all and thank you again.

Hi Christopher

Thank you so much for taking the time to send such a lovely email. Your feedback means a lot to us.

The Hart Family

Information about Polianthes tuberosum

This question was asked by
Andrew B

Please can you advise me if these bulbs are easy to repeat flower in successive seasons or should they be regarded as annuals?
I had some several years ago but could get them to flower in the second year!
Thank you for your help.

Hi there,

Yes your Polianthes Tuberosa should come back each year like most bulbs. They just need a little care over winter.
Move your containers to a frost free location before the first frosts.
If your bulbs are planted in your borders, they need lifting before the first frosts and stored in a frost-free location.

Polianthes tuberosa

Further information can be found here:
Polianthes Tuberosa (SKU18324)

The Hart Family

Polianthes Tuberosa in pots

This question was asked by
Jackie M

Hello Harts. I bought 3 Polianthes Tuberosa to grow in pots. They are currently in 10cm sqare pots in a heated propagator. Can you please advise me what size pot they should ultimately be potted up into, either together or singly.
Many thanks,

HI there,

I would advise planting one polianthes tuberosa into a 10-12cm diameter pot or three tubers into a larger 15-18cm pot.

PolaiPolianthes Tuberosa (SKU18324)

Plant Polianthes Tuberosa tuber this way up ⬆️

The Hart Family

Pink or Purple Flowers for Summer

This question was asked by
A. Van Zeller

Hi, I am creating a narrow border for a holiday cottage. I wanted to repeat plant something with a pom pom flower – to give the border some structure and because I like them 🙂 I have been looking at both agapanthus and alliums, but I am not sure on a variety that would work best. With both agapanthus and alliums, I prefer the varieties that have thinner, more grass like leaves that stay neat, but I have found it difficult to find the height I wanted (60cm +). The border is north east facing and I’m in north Derbyshire, so I need something that is fully hardy. I would prefer something purple or pink. I wonder if you have any ideas please.

Hi Anne-Marie

It’s the wrong time of year to plant Alliums as these need planting in the Autumn for Spring flowering. With Alliums, the foliage dies back before the flower comes. Therefore based on your requirements, I would suggest Agapanthus. You could also look at Nerines as these will flower a little after the Agapanthus into the Autumn giving you more colour for longer.


Dr Brouwer Agapanthus

Dr Brouwer Agapanthus


The Hart Family


This question was asked by

I am widowed and retired, a gardener not……Are there perennials that will appear throughout the year.

All our bulbs are perennials and they will come back each year. Depending on which bulbs you plant will depend on what time of year they will flower. Our website will tell you when each bulb’s flowering period is.


Start by looking in the Spring Planted Bulbs and Lilies Categories – these will flower this summer. Then you will need to look at the Autumn Planted Bulbs and these will flower int the Spring.

The Hart Family

Pollen free white lilies

This question was asked by
Angela B

Good Afternoon
I would like to grow white pollen free lilies in a pot and would appreciate knowing which is best, the only ones I had heard of were My Wedding but found another listed. Also do lilies have a single bloom from each bulb or multi flowers?
Thank you
Kind regards
Angela Booty

Hi Angela

Each bulb/stem can produce multiple flower heads.
We have quite a few white, double oriental lilies including Roselilies which are a newer variety that are pollen-free with a gorgeous scent:

Lily ‘Empress’ (SKU177222)

Empress Lily

Lily Empress

Lily ‘Fondu’ (harts10391)

Lily Fondu

Lily ‘Humber’ (harts103911)

Lily Humber

Lily ‘My Wedding’ (SKU17722)

Lily My Wedding

Lily ‘White Tornado’ (harts103912)

Lily White Tornado

Roselily ‘Aisha’ (SKU176191)

Roselily Aisha

Roselily ‘Angela’ (SKU17778)

Roselily Angela

Roselily ‘Dejima’ (SKU17989)

Roselily Dejima

Roselily ‘Leona’ (SKU17786)

Roselily Leona

Roselily ‘Monica’ (SKU17619111)

Roselily Monica

All are equally stunning, it just depends on your personal preference.

The Hart Family

Flame Lily (Gloriosa) colours available

This question was asked by

Hi we want to buy some flame lily (Gloriosa ) tubers. Do you have the yellow ones as well as the red ones if so how do we order different colours They must be tubers

HI Roland

I’m afraid we only have the red ones. You can purchase them here:

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily (SKU17645)


The Flame Lily

The Hart Family

Lilium Speciosum var. album.

This question was asked by
Stella S

I am trying to source Lilium Speciosum var. album.

I wonder if this is a lily that you may be stocking at some point.
Thank-you for your help with this query.
Kind regards,
Stella Sinden

Hi Stella

We have Lily ‘Speciosum Var. Rubrum Uchida’ not Var. Album. A beautiful softly scented specie lily.

Lily ‘Speciosum Var. Rubrum Uchida’ (SKU17761)

Lily ‘Speciosum Var. Rubrum Uchida’

The Hart Family