Anouska lilies

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Hi there
my anouska lily flowers have died off,I have to pinch heads off and leave full stalks is this right? I have them in one tub,they were gorgeous and the smell unbelievable,now my question,do I bring my tub inside for winter and when and how far down will I cut stalks fully,I have ordered more different ones for planting Feb,thank you for all your advise this year as it was my first time growing anything, as I only have small balcony and I was so pleased,izzy xx

You’re welcome Izzy – glad to hear how happy you have been. Anouska is just gorgeous isn’t it!

Yes, cut the flower head off and leave the foliage and stem to die back naturally. When it all becomes brown and the stem is hollow, it can all be removed. The stalk should just pull out quite easily at this point or you can cut it off at the surface level if you wish. Lily bulbs like a cold dormant phase and can stand -20°c, they just don’t want to get waterlogged so ensure there is plenty of drainage in your pot.

The Hart Family