Overwintering Cannas

This question was asked by
Anne B – 

I have cut the foliage off my potted cannas and they are now in my insulated green house. Do they need watering throughout the winter or should they be kept dry

Hi Anne

Cannas need lifting and drying off over winter. Cut back foliage and carefully lift the rhizomes out of the soil.
Allow the rhizomes to dry off naturally and then clean away any soil.
Make sure the tubers are completely dry before storing them into open trays or boxes.
Store in a dark place that is frost free.
Replant them in the spring and water regularly.

The Hart Family

Cardiocrinum giganteum

This question was asked by
Brian S

Can you supply three Cardiocrinum giganteum next spring or seeds?

Hi Brian

We have the Cardiocrinum Giganteum available for dispatch next Spring. The Cardiocrinum comes as a potted bulb in a liner. Please see our website for further information.

Cardiocrinum Giganteum (SKU17816)

The Hart Family

Calla lilies

This question was asked by
Mrs josephine H

How do I look after a calla Lily during winter in a big pot? What months do they flower and can they stay in a pot.

Calla Lilies are ideal for planting in containers for houseplants or for seasonal outdoor bedding displays. They need planting the spring for flowers throughout the summer months. Usually around June, July and August and they are such a long lasting flower.
If planting in pots, use a loam-based compost like John Innes No. 2 but a good multi-purpose compost is also fine.
Lift Rhizomes before the first frosts and store them over winter before replanting them next Spring (after the risk of frost has passed).
Store Rhizomes in trays of compost in a cool, dark, frost-free location, e.g a garage, shed, warm greenhouse or conservatory.

Calla Lily – Zantedeschia

The Hart Family

Are Calla Lilies Hardy?

This question was asked by
mike salter

Hi, are Picasso and Zantedeschia hardy or do they require lifting for winter/ Thanks M.S.

Hi Mr Salter

Zantedeschia are not hardy and will require protecting over winter.
We advise lifting Rhizomes before the first frosts and store them over winter before replanting them in the Spring (after the risk of frost has passed).
Store Rhizomes in trays of compost in a cool, dark, frost-free location, e.g a garage, shed, warm greenhouse or conservatory.
Kind regards
Loraine Hart

Zantedeschia (Calla Lilies)

This question was asked by
Fred Jarrold

Can you tell me when you expect to have Zantedeschia ‘Picasso’ and Zantedeschia – Black in stock again please?

Hi there

Zantedeschia (Calla Lilies) are now back in stock ready for ordering and will be delivered in March 2018.
Zantedeschia ‘Picasso’ (Pack of 3 Bulbs) (SKU17817)
Zantedeschia – Black (Pack of 3 Bulbs) (SKU17818)
Loraine Hart