Growing tree lilies

This question was asked by
E. Wilson

I stay in the central belt in Scotland are Tree-like Lilies reasonably hardy and do they require special compost and do the bulbs multiply over time?

Tree lilies are very hardy, in fact they like a cold dormant phase and can tolerate down to -25 degrees. They are happy in any well-drained soil and will multiply over the years. After 3 years, remove the bulblets and replant.

Loraine Hart

When to plant

This question was asked by

I have bought a couple of lion heart Lily bulbs and I’m just wondering when I should be planting them. I have bought bulbs before and for some reason they haven’t come up. I want to get it right this time. Please help.

If you have recently bought your bulbs at one of the shows we attend, you will need to plant them immediately (as they have been held back in a cold store and will flower this summer approx. 8-12weeks time . They will return to their normal flowering cycle next year).

Loraine Hart