Scented Lily

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I have several planters I would like to grow lilies in. Ideally they need to be very fragrant, no staking is preferable, something pink or purple to fit in with our scheme. Is there anything you would suggest please? Something we can leave in which will flower again next year too. Emphasis on the fragrance really, thanks.

Hi Jessica

If you would like scented lilies, then anything that says ‘Oriental’ in the variety is highly scented. The general rule of thumb is the whiter/lighter the flower, the more fragrant it is (as it attracts insects by its scent rather than colour). However, all oriental lilies have a lovely fragrance.
Please look at the following links for scented lilies, you can filter your search by colour by using the search engine at the top of the page:

Oriental Lilies
Oriental Lilies

Oriental Trumpet Lilies (taller varieties)
Oriental Trumpet Lilies

All lilies can be left outside during the winter and will flower year after year.

The Hart Family