
This question was asked by
Dan Horton

Hi are you still accepting and delivering orders?

Yes we sure are still accepting orders and posting out for as long as we can.

The Hart Family

Oracle lilies

This question was asked by
T. McGough

I recently bought Oracle bulbs.
What type of soil?
What height will they achieve?
Sun or shade?
Suitable for pots or too tall?

Oracle is an Oriental trumpet Lily so it will be happy in any well-drained soil, in pots or in the garden. The lilies would prefer a sunny spot or you will find they will lean to find find the light. As Oracle is a ‘tree lily’ it’s going to reach a height of 120cm and may be taller once more established.

The Hart Family

red mites on lilies

This question was asked by
J. Riley

Do you have a recipe for a home made pesticide for the red mites. Thank you

Hi John,
To prevent these insects from from ruining your lovely display of lilies, we recommend inspecting plants regularly and picking off any adult bugs and wipe any grubs off the backs of leaves. We also recommend using the Lily Beetle Prevention Spray. This Spray (Grazers G4) will also stimulate growth of your lilies. Which is all natural and eco-friendly.

Or you could try making your own garlic solution of water and crushed garlic.

Lily Beetle Prevention (SKU17972)

The Hart Family

Are you still sending your bulbs?

This question was asked by
Jon Honour

We were wondering if you are open and able to ship some lily bulbs please? The pack of 12 tree lily collection featured in you catalogue. Many thanks

Good afternoon,
Yes – we are currently still sending out our lily bulbs and summer flowering bulbs and will continue to do so for as long as possible.

‘Tree like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1152)

The Hart Family

Planting time for Lily Bulbs

This question was asked by
Denise Barnes

i have just seen a lily that i really like on your newsletter olympic torch if i ordered some from you now and planted tem would they flower this year or would i be better to wait for your february despatch and plant them then many thanks for your time denise

Hi Denise
We are still sending our lily bulbs out and now is absolutely fine to still plant them for flowering this year.

Plant your lily bulbs as soon as you receive them and you will notice they will start to shoot immediately.

The Hart Family

Best planting time for Dahlias

This question was asked by
Dean Francis

When is the best time to plant Dahlias?

HI Dean,

Dahlia tubers need planting in the Spring time, ideally at the end of March/ Beginning of April. Once the last frosts have passed.

Dahlia ‘Akita’ (Pack of 3 Tubers/Bulbs) (SKU17870121111)

The Hart Family

Madonna Lily

This question was asked by
Maureen Hallahan

I’m a botanical artist (and although unusual, I have little interest in gardening)!! I want to paint a Madonna Lily this Summer.
If you send me bulbs, is it too late. If so, can you send me the plant in flower, and when?

Hi Maureen

Sorry it’s the wrong time to plant Madonna Lilies. These need planting in the Autumn for Spring flowering. We do not have any in flower I am afraid.

The Hart Family