Advice for planting Lillies

This question was asked by
Cathy Taylor

I have ordered some Lillies from you and intend to plant them in containers so I can move them if and when I need to….
Can you kindly offer some advice about depth of planting, distance of planting in one container and ideal sites for Lillies?
Thank you

Hi Cathy
You can find all planting instructions on our website. There’s a section at the bottom of each lily variety that will tell you which soil is best etc.

As a general rule of thumb when planting lilies in pots, we advise:
Planting 3 bulbs in a 14″ ‘patio type’ pot using good-quality, multi-purpose compost. We recommend mixing equal parts John Innes No.3 and an Ericaceous compost.
Plant the bulbs pointy end up with 6″ of soil above them.

Hope this helps.


The Hart Family