Alliums Need to go in pot (whiskey barrel)

This question was asked by
Debbie W – 

Need help with number of bulbs – don’t want them too tall.
Late spring to Early Summer.
Colours blue purple.

HI Debbie

You mention Alliums for potting up into a Whiskey Barrel – some alliums can be quite tall. I would suggest using our filter search at the top of the Allium page and opting for the Low or Medium Heights. This will then show you all the varieties that are not too tall.

Are you wanted to plant other bulbs as well? You can do this by layering your planting. We have more information on our website on how to layer your planting here.

With regards to the number of bulbs, it really depends on the size of the barrel and the size/height of the bulbs you would like to have. For a more fuller and mixed arrangement, I would advise starting with the following:

1 x Pack of Allium Rosy Dream (10 Bulbs)
1 x Pack of Hyacinth Paul Herman (6 Bulbs)
1 x Pack of Muscari Marleen (20 Bulbs)

The Hart Family