My recent order

This question was asked by
Patrick L

Very many thanks for my order of Casa Blanca lilies, I was most impressed with the quality and condition of the bulbs. They are now planted in a site formerly occupied by a favourite of mine, echiums! They succumbed to the really bad frosts in February.
I have only just discovered your website, very impressive indeed. Shall send an order for various items in due course.
My thanks.

Hi Patrick

Thank you for your lovely comments – we really appreciate it.

Have a good day.


The Hart Family

Thank you!

This question was asked by
Philippa B

I have just planted the lily bulbs you sent me. Wow! They are brilliant and full of promise. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing the lilies in all their glory in Summer.

You’re very welcome Philippa. Thank you for your message 🙂

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Ingeborg R

Firstly may I thank you for everything Which I have purchased so far from you ,which has been magnificent I was wondering if you could either supply me with canna Ingeborg? Thanking you in anticipation 🐝

Hi there,

You’re very welcome. We only have 2 Canna’s available, they are:
Pink Canna (Pack of 3) (SKU180601)

Red Canna (Pack of 3) (SKU18060)

The Hart Family

Blue dahlia

This question was asked by
Robert P –  

Last year you had blue dahlias. I am looking for a true blue one any ideas?


Hi Robert

The closest blue dahlia we have is called Veritable. If you google it you will see the slight colour variations you can get with it. Our website image looks more purple but it is classed as blue.

The Hart Family

Freesia bulbs

This question was asked by
Laura S

Hi there
I recently received my order and the freesia bulbs were already sprouting. I wasn’t planning to plant them for another month due to possible frost but I’m concerned if I don’t get them in now they will be no good. Is this what you would expect? What would you suggest?
Thanks in advance

Hi Laura

You can store your freesias somewhere cool and dry and they should be fine.

Freesias Mixed (SKU1782011)

The Hart Family

Peony red flame

This question was asked by
Sandra N

Once again thank you very for your prompt and beautifully packaged plant.
I am planting my peony in a 45 cm pot and was wondering whether to use John Innes nr3 compost.
Thank you so much.

Yes John Innes No3 If perfect for planting Peonies in pots. Ensure there is adequate drainage.

The Hart Family

Gloriosa – which way up?

This question was asked by

When planting should the tip of the rhizome that seems to be budding be down in the soil or just peeking out
Want to be sure as not sure how from the instructions supplied
Many thanks

HI Manick

Yes you need to point this sprouting end of the gloriosa downwards but on a 45 degree angle. Hope this helps.

The Hart Family

Thank you

This question was asked by
Julie B –

Just to say my mums received her Mother’s Day collection today and is absolutely delighted. She says they are the best bulbs she have ever seen. She has been shielding for a year and it’s been very difficult for her. Especially as I live in Cornwall and she is in Somerset thank you for brightening her day and for your excellent service.

W are so pleased to hear how happy your mum is with her bulbs. Thank you for taking the time to email us. We really appreciate it.

The Hart Family

Dahlia bulbs

This question was asked by
Vera C

I’m wanting to buy Dahlia BULBS not tubers. Can you help?

Hello there

Dahlias come as tubers not bulbs. They are called Tubers as this is the potato-like structure of them. So, really dahlia bulbs are correctly called dahlia tubers. Hope this helps.

The Hart Family

Begonia corms

This question was asked by
michael Cohn

I bought a wonderful selection from you last year, took them up in the autumn, dried them in a dry dark place and I now see that they are producing pale pink shoots.
I have 2 questions:
1. Should I now put them into compost and keep them in the garage for the moment, and when can they be planted in the ground or what?
2. I bought a mixture of climbing and ordinary ones but unfortunately I did not mark which is which – is there any way to distinguish now?
Thanks in advance

  1. Yes you can plant up your begonias now just keep them frost free before moving them outside.
  2. Unfortunately, there is no way to distinguish between the corms now I’m afraid. All the Begonia corms will look very alike.

The Hart Family