Flame Lily

This question was asked by
Elizabeth S

When will you be restocked with flame lily bulbs as my mum would like to buy some?

Hi there,
We will be putting our Gloriosa back in stock in the Autumn for preordering for delivery in the Spring next year. You can be notified by email when they are back in stock if you click on the button ‘tell me when this is back in stock’ on the product page.

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily (SKU17645)

Hope this helps.

The Hart Family

Growing Flame Lily

This question was asked by

I received 3 x rhizomes from you this time last year, they flowered beautifully during April, May and June and then gradually died down.
I have kept them in a pot inside since.
Are they likely to re-flower this year?

Many thanks and regards,
Gary Austin

Hi Gary

Yes, your Gloriosa should flower again this year. They may have even multiplied? Start them off indoors and then move them outside in the summer months.

All the best

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily (SKU17645)


The Flame Lily

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Vivien H

When & how do I start my gloriosa tubers back into growth please? I have stored them in a cold, frost free place over winter.
Thank you,

Vivien Hubbuck

Hi Vivien

You can start off your Gloriosa now indoors before transferring them outside in the summer months. Plant in pots with suitable drainage holes.
Plant 3 Rhizomes to a 14-16 inch pot.
Use a multi-purpose compost or John Innes No. 3 for your Gloriosa.
Site your Gloriosa Lilies where they will receive full sun to light shade, so on a window sill or in a conservatory would be ideal.
The root and shoot come from the same end and need to be planted downwards on a 45 degree angle in a triangle formation. They’ll figure out which way is up.
Plant the Rhizome 3-4″ deep and 6-8″ apart. The tip of the Rhizome can point out the top of the soil by an inch.
Take care NOT to touch the growing points on the bulbs; bumping and abraiding this area tends to reduce sprouting


The Flame Lily

The Hart Family

Flame Lily (Gloriosa) colours available

This question was asked by

Hi we want to buy some flame lily (Gloriosa ) tubers. Do you have the yellow ones as well as the red ones if so how do we order different colours They must be tubers

HI Roland

I’m afraid we only have the red ones. You can purchase them here:

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily (SKU17645)


The Flame Lily

The Hart Family

Gloriosa aftercare

This question was asked by
Vivien H

How do I prepare my gloriosa for winter. They’ve been lovely, & are still green. Do I stop watering now or will they die back themselves?

After your Gloriosa has finished flowering for the season, leave the foliage in place; don’t cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight, create food through photosynthesis and strengthen the bulb for the future.
Leaves and stalks may be removed when they yellow.
Gloriosa Lily Bulbs don’t like to get too cold, therefore if the temperature drops to -7 degrees, you’ll need to lift Gloriosa lily bulbs and store them indoors in ever so slightly damp peat moss. Or you can just replace them next spring for another year of winged blooms.
Your Gloriosa lilies will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle in the spring/summer.
Don’t water while the tuber is dormant.

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily (SKU17645)


The Flame Lily

The Hart Family

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily

This question was asked by

I have just bought 3 bulbs from your stall at Tatton Flower Show. I think I was told that I could plant them now, but looking on your website it says Spring. I am puzzled. Please advise. Thank you.

Hi Hilary

Yes plant them now as advised and they will flower this year still – just a little a later as they’ve been held back in Coldstore.

They will then revert back to their usual flowering cycle next year.

Be careful not to knock your gloriosa rhizomes as they can be stubborn to get going if they are knocked at all.


The Flame Lily

The Hart Family

Gloriosa – which way up?

This question was asked by

When planting should the tip of the rhizome that seems to be budding be down in the soil or just peeking out
Want to be sure as not sure how from the instructions supplied
Many thanks

HI Manick

Yes you need to point this sprouting end of the gloriosa downwards but on a 45 degree angle. Hope this helps.

The Hart Family

Message of thanks

This question was asked by
Denise H

Thank you for our order really pleased with the quality and size of bulbs received, looking forward to seeing them all in flower in the summer. Very impressed with gloriosa rhizomes.

HI Denise

Thank you so much for your lovely comments – we really appreciate hearing from our customers.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Hart Family

Voodoo lily & gloriosa plants

This question was asked by
John H

Do you stock voodoo lilies or similar and will they flower this year,same for gloriosa .can they be grown outside in sunny Warrington

We have the Cobra Lily and Gloriosa the Flame Lily. Both of which can be grown outside. We always suggest starting the Gloriosa off indoors and putting outside during the summer months.

Arisaema ‘Cobra Lily’ (Pack of 3) | Top Size Bulbs! (SKU178161)

Gloriosa | The Flame Lily (SKU17645)

The Hart Family