Looking for smaller lilies

This question was asked by
Robert H

Hi, could you please recommend short scented lilies for a west facing raised bed backed by a stone wall facing the sea (coast is 500m distant). It’s in a warm walled town garden with lots of sun. The bed is humus rich but only 80cm deep. Because it can get windy I thought best to go for shorter lilies which will go behind lower planting at the front. Scent is the priority. Thank you.

Hi there,

Have you looked at our Oriental Pot Lilies? Here are some Lily varieties I’d recommend for your walled bed that will provide a gorgeous scent and are shorter in height.
Lily ‘Garden Party’ (harts110612)
Lily ‘Salmon Party’ (harts10374)
Lily ‘Sunny Azores’ (SKU17898)
Lily ‘Sunny Bahamas’ (harts110511)
Lily ‘Sunny Keys’ (SKU1763912)
Lily ‘Sunny Martinique’ (SKU17896)

The Hart Family

Pot Lilies

This question was asked by
Maureen W

Hi there
I will need to replace 3 pots with low growing lilies, when will new stock be available?
Thank you

Hi Maureen

We have started adding our lilies back in stock and we will be adding to these as soon as we know which crops will be available for February.

You can pre-order some now and if you wish to add to your order at a later date, just email me on this address with your order number and I can add to it for you and take payment either over the phone or send a paypal request.

Pot Lilies

Magny Course

The Hart Family

Planting Shorter Asiatic Lilies

This question was asked by


I’m after some asiatic lilys: easy to grow, low maintenance, hardy and that won’t grow too tall (to go in between / in front of some larger shrubs in the border).

Can you adivse on which variety is the best to go for?

We\’re based in the midlands, area is in partial shade and soil is a bit clay like.


Good morning,

If the soil is too heavy then it may cause the bulbs to rot as they need to be planted in well-drained soil.

I would advise planting them in pots if the drainage isn’t very good.

Here are some shorter Asiatic Lily varieties:

Lily ‘Perfect Joy’ (harts110611)

Lily ‘Majestic Joy’ (harts11741)

Tiny Lily ‘Epic’ (SKU17790)

Tiny Lily ‘Nugget’ (SKU17791)

Tiny Lily ‘Poems’ (SKU17792)

The Hart Family

Cesare and Pixie lilies

This question was asked by

The one thing I’d like to know what is the difference between Cesare and Pixie lilies?

Hi Robert

Oh that is a shame – was it a lily that got damaged in transit?
Lilium Cesare is an LA lily, that means it’s a Longiflorum x Asiatic lily. Most LA Lilies will reach a height of 110cm tall. The pixie lilies or they can also be referred to as Pot or dwarf lilies, can come as Asiatics or Oriental lilies. Dwarf lilies, live up to their name, and are a shorter variety. They tend to be 50 – 80cm tall.

The Hart Family

Species Lilies scented

This question was asked by

Being new to the names,can u tell me which are scented & don’t grow over 18”-24”

Any of the oriental lilies are scented. If you are looking for a shorter variety of lily, then I’d suggest an Oriental Pot Lily (or ‘dwarf’ lily they are also know as). The Asiatic lilies do not carry a scent.

Lily ‘Salmon Star’ (harts1106)

Lily ‘Magny Course’ (SKU176391)

Lily ‘Sunny Martinique’ (SKU17896)

The Hart Family

Lily beetle

This question was asked by
Avril Collins

Do you have any advice as to varieties of lily suitable for planting in a pot, preferably with scent, that resist lily beetle? many thanks

Any of the Oriental dwarf lilies are great for pots as they are shorter varieties. However, any lily variety can be planted in a pot. If you want them to be scented, then avoid the Asiatics as they don’t carry a fragrance. I’d suggest Lily Salmon Star, this is a stunning pot lily with a pretty scent. Unfortunately, Lily beetles are attracted to most lilies. They aren’t picky! Have you seen our Lily Beetle Prevention spray?

Lily ‘Salmon Star’ (harts1106)

Lily Beetle Prevention (SKU17972)

Pot Lilies

The Hart Family