When should lilies be planted?

This question was asked by
A. Gibson

You state delivery for lily bulbs is February to May; I am concerned that by May it will be too late to plant them for summer flowers. I would have thought they should be planted about November.

Thank you for your email. Lilies need to be planted in the Spring for Summer flowering. Once planted, they take 10 to 12 weeks to flower. The lily bulbs we continue to dispatch in May have been held back and in cold storage. They will then flower within the 10-12 week period once planted. They will then revert back to their original flowering cycle the following year. Hope this helps.

Loraine Hart

Lilies seen grown in the shade

This question was asked by
J. Heisse

I recently saw Lillies planted in shade under trees at Wisley, and they looked splendid. Which lillies would you suggest for shade or semi woodland conditions. In passing I would like to say how thrilled I am with my last order of double lillies, they are breathtaking!

Did they look smaller than usual? They were probably Martagon Lilies. They work well in woodland areas with partial shade. We dispatch our Martagon lilies in the Autumn ready for planting.

Loraine Hart

Purchasing Martagon lily bulbs

This question was asked by
jean baker

I would like to purchase some Martagon bulbs. Can you tell me when I can do this please.

Good afternoon,

Our Martagon lilies are now available to order for delivery in October.
Pink Morning Martagon Lily (harts1159)
Orange Marmalade Martagon Lily (SKU17698)
Hansonii Martagon Lily (SKU17651)
Guinea Gold Martagon Lily (SKU17725)
Gaybird Martagon Lily (SKU176511)
Fairy Morning Martagon Lily (SKU1765111)
Claude Shride Martagon Lily (SKU17696)
Chameleon Martagon Lily (SKU17724)
Loraine Hart

Martagon lilies – still available to order

This question was asked by
Reina Ruis

Hi, l notice you still have six Martagon lilies listed, I would like one of each please, if they are still available?

Good afternoon,
Yes, we still have a selection of our Martagon lilies available to purchase online. They will be dispatched within 5 days of ordering.

Claude Shride Martagon Lily (SKU17696)
Fairy Morning Martagon Lily (SKU1765111)
Gaybird Martagon Lily (SKU176511)
Hansonii Martagon Lily (SKU17651)
Orange Marmalade Martagon Lily (SKU17698)
Pink Morning Martagon Lily (harts1159)
Loraine Hart

Start of Autumn…


Autumn and what to plant

The temperature is dropping, days are getting shorter and the leaves are changing colour – all signs that summer is drawing to a close. But when does autumn actually start? Well it’s the 1st September if you go by the meteorological calendar or 23rd September based on the Astronimical calendar. If, like us, you’re wondering what the difference is, the meteorological calendar is more simplified and splits up the four seasons into three month blocks and the Astronomers base the date of the seasons upon autumnal equinox, when night and day are roughly equal length. So either way, Autumn is upon us! And its time to start thinking about your Spring garden as our glorious spring flowers like to be planted throughout the Autumn (Sept, Oct, Nov).

Here’s a little break down of what you can plant this Autumn to have some colour in your garden month by month:

January-February: CrocusSnowdrops, 

February-March: Narcissus,  Leucojum Aestivum

March-April: Tulips,  Cyclamen,  Puschkinia, Anemone Blanda, Chinodoxa,
Erythronium Pagoda

April- May: FritillariaHyacinthoides Non-Scripta ‘Blue Bells’, Alliums

May +: CamassiaEremurus

Martagon Lilies

Claude Shride (1).JPG

We now have our stunning Martagons available to order as well. With a few new varieties to choose from. Our Martagons will also be dispatched in the Autumn for planting throughout the months of Sept, Oct and Nov. Martagons are ideal for woodland type gardens. These special Lilies grow especially well in dappled shade in Humus-rich, Alkaline soil. They naturalize really well and are long lived and hardy.

Happy Gardening!
Harts Nursery 🙂