Summer flowering bulbs

This question was asked by
David –

Over a year ago my daughter in law gave me some small bulbs to plant – but the garden was not ready – and they\’ve withered to nothing in their bags
I need to find some Oxalis; Brodea; Sparaxis; Acidanthera and Liatris Spicata
Can you help?

Hi David

We have some of those available to pre-order for spring delivery, they are:
Brodiaea (Pack of 100 Bulbs) (SKU18055)

Acidanthera Gladiolus Callianthus (Pack 20 Bulbs) (SKU17824)

Mixed Liatris (Pack of 15 Bulbs) | Special Offer (SKU178211)

The Hart Family

Overwintering Cannas

This question was asked by
Anne B – 

I have cut the foliage off my potted cannas and they are now in my insulated green house. Do they need watering throughout the winter or should they be kept dry

Hi Anne

Cannas need lifting and drying off over winter. Cut back foliage and carefully lift the rhizomes out of the soil.
Allow the rhizomes to dry off naturally and then clean away any soil.
Make sure the tubers are completely dry before storing them into open trays or boxes.
Store in a dark place that is frost free.
Replant them in the spring and water regularly.

The Hart Family

Bentley Lily bulbs over-wintering

This question was asked by
Linda S –

I planted Bentley lilies 3 in a pot earlier in the year and they flowered beautifully. What I don’t know is how to treat them this winter. Do I leave them in their pot(quite big to bring into my small greenhouse) or leave in a sheltered spot outside….or lift them? Advice please.

HI Linda

You can find all planting and care instructions on each product page on our website. Click on the link below and then on the ‘Care Instructions’ tab half way down the page.

Lily ‘Bentley’ (SKU17767)

The Hart Family

Cardiocrinum giganteum

This question was asked by
Brian S

Can you supply three Cardiocrinum giganteum next spring or seeds?

Hi Brian

We have the Cardiocrinum Giganteum available for dispatch next Spring. The Cardiocrinum comes as a potted bulb in a liner. Please see our website for further information.

Cardiocrinum Giganteum (SKU17816)

The Hart Family

Delivery of Bulbs

This question was asked by
Sue M –

If I order bulbs now when will I get them?

Hi Sue

It depends what you order – if you order autumn planted bulbs then they will be leaving the nursery this week. Usually a 3-5 day turnaround. If not sooner.

If it’s lilies or spring planted bulbs, then these are dispatched in February.

The Hart Family