Grouping lilies

This question was asked by
Liz Waller

How many lily bulbs should I plant to get a good grouping of flowers?

If planting your lily bulbs in your garden borders, you can plant as little or as many bulbs as you like, make sure you leave around 6-8” between each bulb. When planting in pots we suggest 3 to a 12” pot or 5 to an 18” and so on. Planting in odd numbers gives a nice structured display.

The Hart Family

Same flowering time as lilies

This question was asked by
Rosie Delvene

What other flowers can I plant with Lilies to flower at the same time of year?

Lilies can be planted alongside any summer flowering bulbs bulbs. Choose bulbs that flower around the same time like gladiolus, dahlias and zantedeschia to name a few.

Mixed Gladioli

Summer Splash Mixed Dahlias (Pack of 9 Tubers/Bulbs) (SKU1787011)

Mixed Zantedeschia (Pack of 3 Bulbs) | DON’T MISS OUT! (SKU1781811)

The Hart Family

What not to plant with lilies

This question was asked by
D. Mcquire

Are there any other summer flowering bulbs you wouldn’t recommend planting together with Lilies?

Not really. Most summer flowering plants can be planted alongside lilies. Just bear in mind lilies like a more prominent sunny area where as some bulbs would rather a more shaded aspect like martagons and cyclamen. It’s always worth thinking about staggering and lengthening the flowering period of your garden so you have more colour for longer.

For lilies, base your planting on the following flowering times:
We advise the following flowering times for each category of lilies:

End of June/Beginning of July : Asiatics
Asiatic Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1154)

Beginning of July/End of July : Oriental trumpets (tree lilies)
‘Tree like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1152)

End of July/Beginning of August : Orientals and Roselilies
Oriental Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1153)

Roselily Bulb Collection (Pack of 10 Bulbs) (SKU17653)

Roselily Bulb Collection (Pack of 10 Bulbs) (SKU17653)

The Hart Family

Maintenance of Tree lilies

This question was asked by
Alan Liddell

How much maintenance do the tree lilies require ?

Tree lilies need very little maintenance, as long as they are in a well-drained area or pot and in a nice sunny location you will find they need very little maintenance. Lilies also like to be left out in the winter to have a cold dormant stage so no need to be lifted.

The Hart Family

Cardiocrinum Giganteum

This question was asked by
Mary Brooke

I have just bought a cardiocrinum giganteum bulb and would like to know how to plant it. Have had conflicting advice about a) whether to leave the top of the bulb showing above the surface, b) how much moisture it likes and c) whether it can be planted now 27th March.
Many thanks.

Cardiocrinum giganteum like most soil types.
They prefer the soil to be moist but well drained.
Cardiocrinum giganteum like a shady position where the direct sunlight will not burn their leaves.
Plant the bulbs with the tip just at the surface so you can see the bulb and planting them in March/April is the time to plant them,

Cardiocrinum Giganteum (SKU17816)

The Hart Family

Scented flowers for garden pots/containers

This question was asked by
Tony Ashton

What’s best to plant in pots/tubs/containers for my patio that has the strongest scent?

The most scented flowers to have in your patio pots/containers would be all Oriental-type Lilies. They have a great fragrance to have in your patio pots for the summer months.

Oriental Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1153)

Roselily Bulb Collection (Pack of 10 Bulbs) (SKU17653)

‘Tree like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1152)

Multicoloured ‘Tree-like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (SKU17752)

The Hart Family

Do I lift my lilies when they have finished flowering?

This question was asked by
Doreen Smiley

Do I lift my lilies when they have finished flowering?

Lilies do not need lifting after they have flowered. Once your lilies have finished flowering, cut the flower head off leaving the stem and foliage to die back naturally. Once everything has died back and turned yellow/brown and hollow, you can remove everything leaving about an inch of stem from the ground. Leave your lily bulbs out over winter as they like a cold dormant phase, they just don’t like to get wet so ensure they have plenty of drainage.

The Hart Family

Compost for lilies

This question was asked by
Joni Silence

What compost is best to use with lilies?

If planting your lilies in the ground make sure you find a well drained area avoiding heavy clay, in pots we suggest an equal mix of ericaceous and John Innes no.3.

The Hart Family

Planting in March / April

This question was asked by
Jade Griffin

Which flowers would you recommend planting now?

Spring is the ideal time to plant lilies and summer flowering bulbs, like Begonias, Gladioli, Dahlias, Nerines, Callas, Gloriosa, and many more you can find on our website. Planting these varieties now will create colour all summer.

Oriental Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1153)

Mixed Double Begonia (Pack of 15 Corms) | AMAZING PRICE! (SKU177061)

Summer Splash Mixed Dahlias (Pack of 9 Tubers/Bulbs) (SKU1787011)

The Hart Family

Border plants

This question was asked by
Jean Garner

Whats the best low level flowers to plant in the front of my borders?

Begonias are great for planting at the front of your borders. They are low level and full of colour. Begonias great summer plants as they flower profusely from June to October and are easy to plant and easy to care for. Once everything has died back, simply lift and store Begonia tubers over winter for replanting the following year.

Mixed Double Begonia (Pack of 15 Corms) | AMAZING PRICE! (SKU177061)

The Hart Family