
This question was asked by

I purchased rose lilies from you this year and more at Hampton Court last year – all have been grown in pots and stunning. I’m not sure how to care for them over the coming months – we live in Devon, so its comparatively mild.
Thanks for your help

Hi there,
When the Lily has finished flowering, cut any seed heads back and allow the foliage to die back naturally. Do not be tempted to cut the stem back until stems becomes hollow and brown.
Lilies like a cold dormant phase throughout the winter so they don’t need lifting. However, do ensure they have adequate drainage and do not get waterlogged as this will cause the bulbs to rot.
If planting in pots, it may be an idea to tilt the pots on their side in the winter to prevent waterlog.
Hope this helps.

The Hart Family

Anouska lilies

This question was asked by

Hi there
my anouska lily flowers have died off,I have to pinch heads off and leave full stalks is this right? I have them in one tub,they were gorgeous and the smell unbelievable,now my question,do I bring my tub inside for winter and when and how far down will I cut stalks fully,I have ordered more different ones for planting Feb,thank you for all your advise this year as it was my first time growing anything, as I only have small balcony and I was so pleased,izzy xx

You’re welcome Izzy – glad to hear how happy you have been. Anouska is just gorgeous isn’t it!

Yes, cut the flower head off and leave the foliage and stem to die back naturally. When it all becomes brown and the stem is hollow, it can all be removed. The stalk should just pull out quite easily at this point or you can cut it off at the surface level if you wish. Lily bulbs like a cold dormant phase and can stand -20°c, they just don’t want to get waterlogged so ensure there is plenty of drainage in your pot.

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Sally-Anne Hoyle

Hello, I live in the Highlands of Scotland, within the Cairngorms National Park.
I purchased lots of lilies from you earlier this year and have planted the majority of them in pots. I think that I was a little late with my planting and some of them have yet to flower and probably will not do so before the first frosts, even though they have lots of buds on them.. How should I treat my lily bulbs going into the winter? Will they survive in their pots? Should I bring the pots inside? What should I do with the ones which have not flowered? The ones which have flowered have been marvellous and I would be sad to loose them. Thank you, Sally-Anne

Hi Sally-Anne

Hopefully your lilies will flower soon, leave them to do their thing this year and allow them to die back naturally. Once everything has died back and turned brown, it can be removed. The bulbs themselves can stay outside during the winter. In fact lilies like a cold dormant phase and can withstand -20°c, they just don’t like to get wet. If the bulbs become waterlogged, they will rot. So ensure there is plenty of drainage. Tilting pots on their side or bringing them under shelter can also help.

The Hart Family

‘Tree like’ Lily Bulbs

This question was asked by
Sharon Chatterton

Hi, I’m after some tree lily bulbs but am assuming that it’s a bit late for planting them out now? If I order now could you tell me when they would be dispatched or am I better waiting until next year to order?

Hi there

You can pre-order your tree lilies now for dispatch in February. We can sell out so sometimes it is best to pre-order them to ensure you get the varieties that you want.

Tree-like Lilies

The Hart Family

Keep Positive And Get Out In Your Garden

We hope you are all keeping safe and well during these uncertain times and making the most of this glorious weather we are having. We are using this time away from the shows to bring you some videos to watch in the comfort of your own home. We will try and bring you some light-hearted entertainment on how to look after your lilies and other summer flowering bulbs over the coming months. 

Hopefully, with the weather improving now, it’s a great time to spend in the garden! We’re relying more and more on the soothing effect of gardening to
keep us busy and happy. Check out our offers below! 

Happy Gardening! 
The Harts

Great planting tips and promotions on lilies

Pat shows us how to:
Plant your Oriental Trumpet lilies in pots. Remember well-drained soil, and cover with 6 inches of soil over the top of the bulbs.

Plant and protect your Gloriosa Bulbs, special promotion! Buy 3 get 3 FREE!! for £10!

Lily Beetle Repellent

Have you got your Lily Beetle Prevention? These little pests will be starting to come out now, try our fab prevention spray to keep them from destroying your Lily and Fritillaria foliage.
Lily Beetle Prevention Spray £6.95

Planting lilies in pots

This question was asked by
Jane Millarini

Can lilies be planted in pots and what type of soil is required?

Yes lilies are great for pots. We suggest a nice gritty multi-purpose compost, add some gravel/grit to the bottom of the pot to allow for good drainage.

The Hart Family

Moving Lilies

This question was asked by
David John Heycock

I have been growing lilies in pots for 3 years, can I now plant them out in the border please?

Yes this is no problem at all. It may be a little late now for this year as they may have started showing signs of growth. It’s probably best to leave it until the Autumn when everything has died back.

The Hart Family

Lily Beetle Spray

This question was asked by
Jean Thompson

When is the best time to start using lily beetle spray?

Start early using your lily beetle spray, I would suggest using it as soon as your lilies start showing through the soil. You may notice them on fritillaria first and this can be as early as March! We use Grazers repellent for Lily Beetle. This is a completely natural spray, very effective and must be used frequently for best results. A plus is it feeds the foliage as well and stimulates growth.

Lily Beetle Prevention (SKU17972)

The Hart Family

Alkaline Soil

This question was asked by
Gemma Holmes

Which lilies are best for alkaline soil?

If you have Alkaline soil then Asiatic lilies are best. Or hybrid lilies are also quite happy in Alkaline soil for example Longiflorum Asiatic lilies, Oriental Trumpet lilies and Martagons lilies.

Asiatic Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1154)

‘Tree like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1152)

Arabian Night Martagon Lily (SKU17726)

Lily ‘Eyeliner’ (SKU17703)

The Hart Family

Watering Lilies

This question was asked by
Francis Machin

Do lilies need a lot of watering?

Believe it or not lilies can take quite a bit of drought. They really like to be well drained. Unless it’s very hot, then they only need watering once a week. If you are new to growing lilies, we would suggest trying the Oriental Trumpet Lilies to get you going as these are happy in any well-drained soil. Once you’ve started growing lilies, you’ll see how easy they are and you’ll be addicted I’m sure.

‘Tree like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (harts1152)

Multicoloured ‘Tree-like’ Lily Bulb Collection (Pack of 12 Bulbs) (SKU17752)

The Hart Family