Dahlia availability

This question was asked by
Solvey B –

Hi, when will dahlias be available please?

Hi there

We will be adding them back in stock for pre-ordering for spring delivery very soon.

You can request to be notified by email by clicking on your favourite dahlias and hitting the button ‘Notify me when back in stock’.



The Hart Family

How do look after lilies after flowering

This question was asked by
Jill H –

Had a fabulous show of Sabor and Amstad lilies that I ordered last November. What do I do now they have finsihed flowering? How far back do I cut them? Thanks

Hi Jill

Just cut off the lily flower heads and let the foliage and stem die back completely. When it has all turned yellow and hollow, it can be removed to the ground.

Leave the bulbs in their pot over winter and give them a fresh top up of compost. Protect them from getting waterlogged by tipping the pot on its side. Other than that – they are fine to be left outside over winter.


Sabor LiliesAmistad Lily

The Hart Family

Nerine Bowdenii Stock

This question was asked by

When do you expect to have Nerine Bowdenii in stock again please?
Many thanks

Hello there,

These will be back in stock to pre-order in the next month or so for delivery in the Spring. Please click on the ‘Notify Me’ box to be emailed when they are available to order.

Nerine Bowdenii (SKU17666)

The Hart Family

Hyacinth Gipsy Queen

This question was asked by
John L

Can you plant them in the borders or containers and just leave them without having to dig them up?

Hi there,

Not really, Hyacinths need protecting from the frosts.


Caring for Hyacinth outdoors in the garden
Blooms should be removed as soon as they shows signs of brown.
Leave the foliage to die back natural.
Bulbs can be lifted as soon as the foliage has died back and stored in a cool, dry place.

Caring for Hyacinths outdoors in containers
Wrap containers with bubble wrap to protect from frost.
Once the flowers have faded, retuned the container to a sheltered spot in the garden.
Bulbs can be lifted as soon as the foliage has died back and stored in a cool, dry place.

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Joanna H


I am looking for Allium Angulosum Summer Beauty bulbs – I can’t see these on your website. Could you tell me what you have that would be the closest match – I would like to plant them in clusters at the front of the border.



Sorry this isn’t one we stock I’m afraid. The closest we have is Allium Millenium that’s a bulbous root that can be planted in clusters.

Allium Millenium (harts11141)

The Hart Family

Hymenocallis Festalis – the Peruvian Daffodil

This question was asked by
Paulette D

Could you tell me how to care for a Peruvian Daffodil (Ismene Fistallis) once the flowers turn brown.

Hymenocallis Festalis white

Once your Hymenocallis Festalis has finished flowering, cut the flower heads off and allow the stem and foliage to die back naturally to feed the bulbs for the following year. If you have planted your Hymencaollis Festalis in the garden, you may need to lift and store your bulbs over the colder months to protect from frost. Lift your bulbs and store in a cool, dry place like a greenhouse or garage. Place bulbs in a paper bag or cardboard box for protection. The bulbs should be cleaned of any soil (you can brush off any excess soil).
If you have planted your Hymenocallis in pots, simply bring under cover until the risk of frost has passed.

The Hart Family

Olympic Torch lily

This question was asked by
Mrs jennifer B

We bought a Lily called Torch with three other lilies in 2015, Is Olympic Torch the same. We nearly lost our original Torch, and have two surviving ones. Is it best to keep them on their own?

Hi Jennifer

Yes Olympic Torch is the same as The Torch.

You can mix your lilies – that’s no problem at all. If you are planting them in the garden, just double check your soil and the lily variety as some prefer acid and some prefer alkaline. Olympic Torch is an OT lily and is happy in either.

Lily ‘Olympic Torch’ (harts1132)

The Hart Family


This question was asked by
Valerie P

In spring last year I bought a selection of lilies from you, they were fantastic last year and even better this year. They are all in pots, can they stay in the pots for another year or do I need to repot ?

Hi Valerie

Usually, you can leave your lilies for another year or so before they need repotting. Ensure, to give them a top up of fresh compost when they have died back and a diluted tomato feed when you see signs of growth next year. If you have found you had lots of spindly lilies coming through, then you can repot them and break off any baby bulblets.

Empress Lily

Thank you so much for taking the time to email us with your lovely feedback. We are so pleased to hear how well your lilies are doing. If you get a moment, please could you possibly share your experience on Trustpilot?

The Hart Family